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Skills Assessment

Skills Assessment for Australian Visas
Skills assessments are a crucial requirement for skill-based visas in Australia.

What is a Skills Assessment?
To qualify for most skilled visas, applicants must nominate an occupation listed on one of Australia’s skilled occupation lists. Each occupation is assigned a designated skills assessing authority, responsible for evaluating the applicant’s qualifications and experience. Obtaining a skills assessment from the relevant authority is a key step in the visa application process. Since each authority has specific procedures, fees, and timeframes, it’s vital to understand their requirements and plan accordingly.

Why Skills Assessments are Important?
A positive skills assessment is a mandatory prerequisite for many visa subclasses and streams and may also be required for others. Prospective applicants should carefully review visa requirements to determine if a skills assessment is necessary and when it should be obtained.

Visas Requiring a Skills Assessment
Skills assessments are often required for the following visas and streams:

  • General Skilled Migration visas
  • Employer Sponsored visas
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa
  • Temporary Graduate visa

How to Obtain a Skills Assessment: Key Steps

  1. Contact the Relevant Authority
    Identify and reach out to the assessing authority associated with your nominated occupation. Arranging a skills assessment early is essential. Each authority has its own process, fees, and assessment timeframe, so preparation is crucial.
  2. Receive Your Outcome
    Once your assessment is complete, include a scanned copy of the results with your visa application. A negative assessment result will disqualify you from applying for skilled visas requiring a skills assessment.

At Australian Immigration Law Office our experienced team can guide you in choosing the appropriate nominated occupation and securing the necessary skills assessment. We offer tailored strategies to help you achieve your dream of staying in Australia.

Australian Skills Assessment Assessing authorities for Skilled Visas

NameFull NameAddress
AACA​Architects Accreditation Council of Australia
AASWAustralian Association of Social Workers Limited
ACECQAAustralian Children’s Education and Care Quality
ACPSEMAustralasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
ACSAustralian Computer Society Incorporated
ACWAAustralian Community Workers Association Inc.
ADCAustralian Dental Council Limited
AIMSAustralian Institute of Medical Scientists
AIQSThe Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
AITSLAustralian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited
AMSAAustralian Maritime Safety Authority
ANMACAustralian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council Limited
ANZPACAustralian and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council Limited
ANZSNMAustralian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine
AOACAustralasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council Limited
AOPAAustralian Orthotic Prosthetic Association Limited
APCAustralian Physiotherapy Council Limited
APharmCAustralian Pharmacy Council Limited
APSAustralian Psychological Society Limited
ASMIRTAustralian Society of Medical Imagery and Radiation Therapy
AVBCAustralasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated
CAANZChartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
CASACivil Aviation Safety Authority
CCEACouncil on Chiropractic Education Australasia Limited
CMBAChinese Medicine Board of Australia
CPAACPA Australia Ltd
DAADietitians Association of Australia
Engineers AustraliaThe Institution of Engineers Australia
IMLInstitute of Managers and Leaders National
IPAInstitute of Public Accountants Ltd
Legal admissions authority of a state or territoryLegal admissions authority of a state or territoryNew South WalesEmail: AustraliaEmail: email@lawsocietysa.asn.auTasmaniaEmail: AustraliaEmail: general@lpbwa.comNorthern TerritoryEmail:
MedBAMedical Board of Australia
NAATINational Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd
OCANZOptometry Council of Australia and New Zealand Limited
OTCOccupational Therapy Council of Australia Limited
PodBAPodiatry Board of Australia
SPAThe Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
SSSISurveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Limited
TRATrades Recognition Australia
TRA (trades)Trades Recognition Australia
VETASSESSVocational Education and Training Assessment Services
VETASSESS (non-trades)Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services​